New Year’s Resolution 2018 – Portrait of Health


Your New Year’s Resolution for 2018 may be to  achieve better health. A storyboard is always one way to pave the way to stay on track to achieve your goals. Combine a storyboard with a journal where you can expand on your goals and develop strategies or keep track of tools to win! Plus you will receive proven health tips to help you on your way. Create a inside pocket in your journal to store tips and other information.

Your coaches Beth Grimm, Passion Fusion Test Facilitator and Myra Nissen, Homeopath Metabolic Balance Coach, will guide you through the process. Use your story journal to continue with Beth’s monthly series Art Therapy 101.


Class will be at Once Upon A Canvas in Benicia on January 13, 1 pm to 3:30 pm. All materials will be provided. All for $20. Sign up here. More information.

More about metabolic balance.

Myra Nissen Homeopath Metabolic Balance Coach

Myra Nissen, CCH

Copyright © 2018–2025, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog