A Unique New Year’s Resolution

Embracing the Year of Mindful Connections As we bid farewell to another year and usher in the possibilities of a new one, the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions is a common practice. Many people set goals related to health, career, or personal development. However, this year, let’s consider a different kind of resolution—one centered…

Metabolic Balance

Did you know Metabolic Balance plays a key role in supporting immune health? In the winter time immune health is especially important! Providing a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your body’s needs ensures you receive the essential nutrients your immune system requires to function at its best. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants helps…

Managing Binge Eating During the Holidays

Trying to stick to a diet is often difficult for most of us. Trying to stick to a diet during the Holidays is almost impossible. It is best to have a plan ahead of time. Here’s an introduction to managing binge eating during the holidays: 1. Recognize Triggers Holidays often bring emotional stressors such as…

Choose Produce That Is In-Season, Organic, & Local

Four Reasons to Choose Produce That Is In-Season, Organic, & Local In today’s bustling world of supermarkets stocked with produce from all corners of the globe, it’s easy to overlook the benefits of opting for locally grown, in-season, and organic fruits and vegetables. However, making these choices can have significant positive impacts on your health,…

Why Homeopathy and Metabolic Balance?

In the realm of holistic health and wellness, various disciplines often converge to offer comprehensive solutions for individuals seeking balance and vitality. Among these, homeopathy and metabolic balance stand out as two distinct yet complementary approaches, each with its unique principles and methodologies. While homeopathy focuses on stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanisms using highly diluted…

Metabolic Balance and Exercise

  The relationship between metabolic balance and exercise is a complex one. Exercise can influence our metabolism in many ways. For instance, it can increase our metabolic rate, which is the rate at which we burn calories. This is because exercise requires energy, and our body needs to burn calories to provide the energy required…

Metabolic Balance Telecare Coaching Subscription

New for 2023 I am offering Metabolic Balance Telecare Coaching Subscription The perfect solution for clients who want consistent support for their Metabolic Balance program. Myra’s Metabolic Balance Telecare Subscription service is just $100; save up to $40 a month on regular coaching sessions. Services Include Up to four 20-minute online consultations a month Private…

Holiday Feasting

Heading out to a holiday party can be stressful if you want to stay on track with health and weight goals.  Before you go, develop a strategy. Here are some tips to follow to help you enjoy the experience. Where there’s a buffet table, go around the whole buffet before filling your plate.  Be picky…

Celebrating Unexpected Balance with metabolic balanceⓇ

Velda has been on an individualized meal plan from metabolic balanceⓇ for 3 months, and is celebrating unexpected balance from metabolic balanceⓇ

OMG, Ghee is Good! 

OMG, Ghee is Good! Ghee has Omega-3 fatty acids; 179mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per cup. According to Ayurvedic medicine ghee is very important for its digestive properties.


925.826.3858 Walnut Creek


43 Quail Court Office Park, Ste. 102
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Directions to Office in Walnut Creek
Map of Quail Court Office Park (download PDF)

1260 Lake Blvd #222
Davis CA 95616
(Executive Offices, upstairs)
Directions to Office in Davis

Myra has a private practice in Walnut Creek & Davis, CA and enjoys helping people achieve optimal health in body, mind, and spirit.  Serving San Francisco East Bay, Contra Costa County, Solano County, and Yolo County. Myra is also available for consults via virtual office any where you happen to be.

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