2018 Metabolic Balance Challenge

Challenge: The 6% in 6 weeks Transformation

If you are honest you thought already about your new year’s resolution. It has crossed your mind, that you should eat healthier  and cleaner. Maybe you decided already to lose some pounds. We want to initiate the idea – already before the Holidays – to join us for our New Year’s Challenge. Following Confucius suggestion: “Success depends upon previous preparation.”

What are you waiting for? Join the 2018 metabolic balance® New Year’s Challenge and enter our raffle to Win a Kindle Fire HD. Lose the unwanted weight and improve your health and your vitality. Finding your personal equilibrium is the best solution for long term success and personal empowerment. With metabolic balance® you receive a personalized nutritional road map that leads the way.

Join us for our New Year’s Challenge!

According to the Chinese proverb “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, we believe that you can go “one step” above the standard of 5% body weight loss which research has shown can offer significant benefits in initial health improvement to those obese and overweight. Additionally, this is an attainable goal for the majority of our metabolic balance® clients. Therefore, your certified metabolic balance® coach will assist you towards this target – a key milestones of success within your get-healthy journey. Additionally, this milestone can contribute greatly to your personal motivation, encouraging you to stay on your personal metabolic balance® journey! We have seen that the longer and closer participants follow their plan, the more apt they are to attain a sustainable new lifestyle, and go on to achieving even greater long-term health benefits. Which is – after all – the goal of the metabolic balance® method.

Take the challenge, contact Myra for full details.

What clients are saying about metabolic balance® & Coach Myra

My systolic blood pressure was fluctuating 170 to 202, even with medication. In only two weeks on my metabolic balance® meal plan it has stabilized at 130. I cannot believe it myself. I lost 15lbs so far. ~ S. M., Livermore, CA

I actually find this metabolic balance® program great fun – the discovering of food items I have never tried, and then the knowing that they are actually repairing my body! Wow! What could be better? Thank you Myra – you are a great coach!! ~ P.M., San Mateo, CA

This is the best I ever felt ever since I was a teenager. I have lost weight (20p) my hair has grown longer (it stopped growing past my shoulders in the past 20 year) my energy is higher. ~ T. K., Los Angeles, CA

Myra Nissen Homeopath Metabolic Balance Coach

Myra Nissen, CCH

Copyright © 2018–2025, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog www.myranissen.com/blog.