My Mind is Clear No Hot Flashes

Since I have been on metabolic balance, my mind is clear, I am present and focused on what I am doing.  My hot flashes are gone. I look great! My face looks younger, no dark circles. This is the first program where I have not lost weight on my face. I have lost 13 lbs.…

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Metabolic Balance® Connect to the Vitality that is Your True Good Health

metabolic balance bookI received my training as a metabolic balance® coach from Dr. Wolf Funfack, the founder of the program. I believe that it is an approach to good health that compliments homeopathy, and my commitment to helping my clients achieve their health and wellness goals.  I am excited to be able to bring metabolic balance® to my practice.

Thinking of registering for metabolic balance®?


The program was developed by Dr. Funfack, a German MD, and was implemented in medical practices in Europe with astonishing success for patients with metabolic syndrome, a condition that has reached epidemic proportions in industrialized countries. The United States is leading with over 70% of adults overweight and obese. Popularity for the Metabolic Balance Program is growing in the US.

A study recently published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism proves that the metabolism program metabolic balance® is an extremely effective program for weight loss and has a positive effect on both health and personal quality of life.


metabolic balance® is a program based on fresh, natural foods available at your local store or farmer’s market. It is reasonably priced as well as effective and you do NOT have to have injections or purchase expensive shakes, bars, supplements or so-called “diet” foods – especially not any tasteless low-fat “foods”! It is an individualized approach based on your current lab data, health information, and food likes and dislikes… so you eat the foods you like.

[contest_form]It is a food only weight management program to balance your weight and your life. Each day you eat three nutritious meals and select the food for your meals from your personal food list. With the help of these right foods and a few simple rules you can now establish a new regime that enables you to achieve and maintain your perfect weight. Additionally, you will feel a sense of well-being with increased energy, balanced moods, restful sleep, clearer skin, and reduced joint pain. This non-fasting program is suitable for children starting at 8 years old to adults and seniors.


    • PHASE 1 is a mild two-day cleanse.
    • PHASE 2 is a strict metabolic adjustment phase until your goals are met.
    • PHASE 3 allows you to reintroduce foods that were excluded in the adjustment phase and to monitor any reactions to these foods.
    • PHASE 4 is the maintenance phase, starting as soon as you have reached your desired weight. Learn how to have a balanced life. Enjoy foods that are not on your meal plan. You will know by your body’s response the foods that are best suited for you and maintain your weight, health, and vitality. This is the power of having a metabolically balanced life.

I offer several individual and group coaching programs. The program includes lab work, food plan, and counseling through every phase of the process.

Learn more about metabolic balance.

OR CALL 925-826-3858

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My Mind is Clear No Hot Flashes

Since I have been on metabolic balance, my mind is clear, I am present and focused on what I am doing.  My hot flashes are gone. I look great! My face looks younger, no dark circles. This is the first program where I have not lost weight on my face. I have lost 13 lbs.…

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