I offer CEASE Therapy or Homeopathic Detox Therapy

Myra Nissen Homeopath CEASE TherapistI I OFFER CEASE THERAPY

“CEASE” stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression. It is a systematic detoxification of all causative factors (vaccines, regular medication, environmental toxic exposures, effects of illness, etc.) using homeopathic remedies. CEASE Therapy was developed by Dr. Tinus Smits, MD in the Netherlands and is used all over the world.

CEASE Therapy can also be used in applications outside of the autism spectrum. CEASE can help with sensitivities that may need clearing, such as Lyme disease, radiation exposure, amalgams, fluoride, X-ray, ultrasound, EMF/Microwave, and medications. In these applications, the process is referred to Homeopathic Detox Therapy.


During Dr. Smits’ research for complete healing, he was gradually more and more amazed how certain substances, even those not labeled as toxic, can be a causative factor for autism or other developmental disorders. For example; he saw a dramatic improvement in an autistic girl by the detoxification of a nose spray, xylometazoline, which the mother had used regularly during her pregnancy. Prescription and over the counter medication, exposure to chemical substances, that are foreign to the human body and fundamentally toxic, has become more and more the cause of illness. This is not only true for vaccines, but also for many of the treatments prescribed by our modern doctors.

For many, exposure to toxic substances become an obstacle to cure. When the obstacles are removed, health can be restored.


CEASE Therapists have many tools to help remove the obstacles to cure. Generally, classical homeopathy, isotherapy, orthomolecular support are used.

Isotherapy is a homeopathic preparation of the exact substance that causes the negative influence. Using the causative substances as a homeopathic remedy, their profound toxic effects can be witnessed as clients begin to react to the remedies. The reactions on the isopathic remedies are so characteristic, that there can be no doubt about the existence of a link between the toxins as the cause and the development of Autism as its effects.

Orthomolecular substances properly nourish the brain of clients and to restore proper bowel function. Many supplements are in use for the treatment of autism and have their value, but we use just a few: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc and fish oil. During treatment, these supplements serve as a support for the healing process, while the healing process itself comes from the isopathic treatment. These supplements make the whole healing process smoother and help to avoid severe reactions during the detoxification.

Classical homeopathic remedies play an important role in the complete healing. However, without the resolution of the specific causes which are responsible for the development of autism, classical homeopathy by itself cannot bring complete healing most of the time. Nevertheless, this way of healing can give very encouraging results and can give the final touch to complete healing.

Learn more about CEASE Therapy. For more information on Myra’s work with CEASE Therapy contact Myra.


Homeopathic Detox Therapy / CEASE-Therapy
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My Opinion on Vaccination

Myra Nissen Homeopath Metabolic Balance Coach

Myra Nissen, CCH

Copyright © 2014–2024, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog www.myranissen.com/blog.