Holiday season is here. Sometimes it can be a challenge to stay on any meal plan. Metabolic balance® realizes that food is one of the life’s celebrations and allows for treat meals.
A treat meal lets you enjoy foods that are not on your meal plan in a way that protects all the good work you have done while on your plan. Never-the-less many participants of metabolic balance® feel so good when they are on the program that they have chosen to stick to their plans and forgo treat meals over the holidays.
Here is a recipe for a delicious dessert guaranteed to satisfy a sweet tooth and it fits into anybody’s metabolic balance® program submitted by C. W. of Martinez.
• 1 fuji apple sliced thinly
• 1 portion ground rye flakes (30 grams) – lightly ground in food processor
• 1 T. clarified butter, melted
• Vanilla (100% vanilla extract), nutmeg or cinnamon to taste
Place apples in small baking dish. Sprinkle with spices. Mix vanilla, clarified butter and ground rye flake mixture.
Bake a 350° for 20 minutes or so.
Metabolic balance® offers a scientific basis to determine which foods are best for each of us. Participants in the metabolic balance® program receive individualized meal plans that include the most wholesome foods that will work best with each person’s metabolism in order to reach optimum health. Each participant receives a shopping guide listing the right foods, and even information such as the best oil to use for cooking. Also included is a menu plan that provides the best combinations and portions based on individual goals, whether it’s to lose weight, gain weight, or just to be healthier.
Find out more about the metabolic balance® program that I teach at With metabolic balance,® it is more about how good you feel than anything else. Metabolic balance® has individualized programs for weight management & optimal health. Contact Myra to join.
Goat Cheese Delight, A Recipe
Benefits of Lacto-Fermented Foods: Easy Recipe for Sauerkraut
Satiety & Summer Italian Style Seed Mix Breakfast
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Copyright © 2012 – , Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog