It is not a simple matter to decide that you and your family will submit to vaccinations, let alone trust homeoprophylaxis. It is a matter of making an informed decision. I suggest the following list of resources, and there are others. Some people choose a combined approach, and I can work with either decision.
If a client chooses to participate in homeoprophylaxis for domestic use, they have to tell me that diseases/illnesses that are of a concern. I will develop a protocol to accommodate their concern, even it if is only homeoprophylaxis during flu season. I also work with clients who develop a reaction to traditional vaccinations.
Homeoprophylaxis for travel ideally should begin two months before travel. Again it is up to the client to tell me which diseases/illnesses are known in the area and which ones are of a concern. I also help clients develop homeopathic travel kits with remedies appropriate for acute care for the location they are planning to travel to.
Together we develop an appropriate regime. All clients will receive a letter stating the homeoprophylaxis the have received. The letter is not accepted as proof of vaccination but may provide peace of mind. I work with clients by phone, Skype, or in the office.
Contact me for more information about consultations and pricing.
Still confused about vaccinations?
Copyright © 2013 –, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog www.myranissen.com/blog.