Milk Coffee from San Antonio

Having a virtual office allows me to work with people whereever they are.  I enjoy working with innovative cooks. A client from San Antonio created this recipe and sent it along. Thought you and your metabolic balance group can totally enjoy this: Foamy Milk Coffee from San Antonio Place your cold milk (whatever kind you…

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Discover the Adventure of Mushrooms – Part 1

mushrooms and tomatoes

Mushrooms are mysterious creatures to some of us.   When a client expresses disdain over including them in a Metabolic Balance recipe, I completely understand!  There they are: little brown odd-looking caps and stems that have a dusty feel, grow in damp shadowy places and are called, “Fungi”.  Often however, after becoming more familiar with the…

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Allergy Alert! A Few Tips to Help You Cope!

Honey to relieve allergies

  Seasonal allergies can take all the fun out of enjoying a long-awaited Spring day. Sneezing, burning itchy eyes, headaches and stuffy noses is an invitation to stay indoors.  Flowers, new-growth and the beauty of a new season become signals that it’s time to reach for the inhalers, antihistamines, decongestants and endure a whole new…

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