Welcome To The Age of Vaccinations

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The year 2020 has been declared the “Decade of Vaccinations,” if not for the Nation, for the world. The passage of SB277 is just one of the calculated steps to achieve that goal. Whether you think it is a conspiracy or innocent choices to protect our well being without having all the facts, here are some of the events that have contributed where we are heading.

1976 – Congress created the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotions.

– Surgeon General, Julius B. Richmond, chronicled the state of health in America, defined five quantitative goals for public health. The document came to be referred to as Healthy People.

1980 – LANDMARK IN THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH – Institutes of Medicine wrote, Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation – set forth 226 specific, measurable health objectives. This became the action plan for the Healthy People goals. These two documents became Healthy People 1990. National goals included the achievement of at least a 60% influenza vaccination rate among high-risk populations. Another was to fully vaccinate all children with MMR, polio, and DTP by two years of age.

1987 – The planning objectives for Healthy People goals were engaging broad base input from across the nation. Over 7,000 persons and public health organizations at the local, state and national levels had participated in the development of 22 topics with 312 objectives. Included goals to ensure that all children were fully vaccinated and that all older adults were vaccinated with both influenza and pneumonia vaccines.

1990 – Healthy people 2000 was released.

2010 – Healthy People 2020 was released with current guidelines. What started out as 15 topics and 226 objectives in 1990 had grown to 42 topics and more than 1,200 objectives for 2020. The guidelines were developed by the Federal Interagency Workgroup with representatives of more than 50 federal agencies and included, among others the Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Transportation. This effort was coordinated by The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Assistant Secretary of Health has direct oversight of the activities of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotions and reports directly to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Department of Health and Human Services has more than 77,000 employees. Thousands of people participated in the development of Healthy People 2020 and have a stake in its implementation.

2010  – US National Vaccine Plan was designed to coordinate with Healthy People 2010, laid out by the U.S. Department of Human Services and is the roadmap for a “21st-century vaccine and immunization enterprise.” It was in part developed with partners from all over the world to declare 2020 the Decade of Vaccines. American children today receive 49 doses of 16 different vaccines before 5 years of age. There is no end in sight with at least 300 vaccines in the current developmental pipeline.

National Vaccine Plan outlines the goals and objectives to achieve increase vaccination over a 10-year period, with action steps, processes, and measurable outcomes to be achieved between 2012 and 2015. The implementation plan has five broad objectives:

  1. Develop new and improved vaccines.
  2. Enhance the vaccine safety system.
  3. Support communications to enhance informed vaccine decision-making.
  4. Ensure a stable supply of, access to and better use of recommended vaccines.
  5. Increase global disease prevention through vaccination.

2014  – Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a special report called Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Diseases. The first 10 pages discuss Ebola, superbugs, tuberculosis, pandemic flu and mosquito-borne diseases, the major infectious disease threats seen today. The document then transitions to a lengthy discussion about vaccines and the major risk of infection for unvaccinated children.

National Vaccine plan forged the public-private relationship between the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers, the U.S. government, and the World Health Community. The plan includes specific outlines and strategies for advancing vaccine R&D in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health and the Food And Drug Administration; calls for government-guaranteed financing, supply, and distribution of vaccines; and requests funding for new pro-vaccine information pieces to be distributed consumers and health care providers. Some of the goals outlined in the plan include:

  • Minimize vaccine exemptions including Non-medical vaccine exemptions, i.e. personal belief exemptions.
  • Increasing public education campaigns about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, stressing and demonstrating the safety and efficacy of immunizations. Targeted outreach should be made to high-risk groups and to racial and ethnic minority populations where the misperceptions about vaccines are particularly high.
  • Expanding alternate delivery sites, e.g. 2015 CA SB 622 allowing eye doctors to vaccinate.
  • Bolstering immunization registries and tracking.
  • Requiring universal immunization of health care personnel, e.g., 2015 CA SB 792 mandating immunizations at day care facilities.

2015 (May) – US H.R.2232 – VACCINATE ALL CHILDREN ACT OF 2015: A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to condition receipt by States (and political subdivisions and public entities of States) of preventive health services grants on the establishment of a State requirement for students in public elementary and secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and for other purposes.

2016 (January 1) – CA SB 277 goes into effect.

2016 (September 1) – CA SB 792 goes into effect mandating immunizations at day care facilities. There are Medical Exemptions but no Personal Belief or Religious Exemptions. Criminal penalties apply. There are some provisions for opting out of the flu vaccine.

Dr. Tenpenny, Decade of Vaccinations

US H.R.2232 – Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015

                IMPORTANT LINKS

      Order Blood Tests to Measure Vaccine Titers.
      Protecting Children By Empowering Parents
    3. National Vaccine Information Center
    4. A Voice for Choice Advocacy
    5. National Health Freedom Coalition

Confused about the Safety of Vaccinations?
Homeopathic Detox Therapy / CEASE-Therapy
Addressing Learning Challenges with Homeopathy
CA SB277 & Mandatory Vaccinations

Myra Nissen Homeopath Metabolic Balance Coach

Myra Nissen, CCH

Copyright © 2015–2025, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog www.myranissen.com/blog.