I met Agnetha Henne on a Facebook group for homeopaths. She makes these beautiful bags that protect homeopathic remedies and anything you want to put in them, from the destructive properties of mobile phone radiation, also known as EMF (electromagnetic field). She even has bags for your phone, to protect you from the destructive properties of mobile phone radiation. They are beautiful and reasonably priced. I like the simple beauty and logic behind her bags. I am sharing them with you.
Once my friends knew that I had a homeopathic first aid kit, they often asked me if I had it with me as they needed one remedy or the other. So I soon made a habit of taking the kit with me wherever I went. But my dilemma was that I was pretty certain that cell phone radiation has a negative impact on remedies, seeing that it is hazardous to our health. And even if I didn’t have a cell phone on me, all the people around me certainly had theirs switched on. So I found this special fabric (which is actually fabric for curtains), bought a meter, cut it into small strips, bought some nice colored fabric for the outside and a few zips and sewed the fabrics together again. Because I had to buy a meter, I sewed a few more bags to see if others were interested, too and to my surprise, they sold quite quickly. So the next time I bought four meters … and the rest is, well, not history, but my business. And then I thought: Well, now I’m protecting my remedies, but what about myself, and particularly my brain!? Although I’m usually not too sensitive for external influences, I always get a slight pressure in my head when I’m making a call with my cell phone, even if it’s only for 30 seconds. So that’s when I decided to make special pouches for mobile phones. Visit Agnetha’s website.
These pouches have the protective, silver-threaded material on one side only. This ensures that your mobile still has reception on that side, but your body is protected from the hazardous radiation (hence the two different fabrics so that you can tell which side is the protective one). Is your health worth it? Only you can answer that…
These special bags are made of fun outer colors and an inner fabric that contains silver threads. Silver is not only antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal, but it also repels electromagnetic radiation (cell phone radiation, TV, radio, WiFi, microwave radiation, etc.). However, they do NOT protect the homeopathic remedies/flower essences/gemstones/ etc from x-rays! The large ones (roughly 21x20cm) are large enough to fit a standard-sized homeopathic first-aid-kit. The small ones (about 11×9,5cm) are the perfect size for a few vials of remedies. Custom sizes/colors are available. To order a remedy bag, go to Agnetha’s website. Learn how to care for homeopathic remedies.
These mobile phone pouches have the protective, silver threaded material on one side only so that your mobile phone still has reception, but your body is protected as one wears it with the protective side towards the body. The cool thing: If you want to take/make a call, you connect and then put it back into the pouch and again, you hold it with the protective side towards your ear. This way you can hear the other person perfectly (and vice versa) but your brain is protected from the hazardous radiation for up to 70%! The bags are “color-coded” so that you know instantly which side is which. Usually, the protective side is plain and the other one is more colorful. Or for the gentlemen: I can offer two different blues/greys/reds, etc. The pouches can fit any mobile that measures roughly up to 7x14cm (iPhones, etc). custom sizes/colors are available. To order a phone pouch, go to Agnetha’s website.
Here is a short video explaining what mobile phone radiation does to your brain. Here’s some good info from Dr. Mercola.
Here is a brilliant research article proving that electromagnetic radiation (to which mobile phone radiation belongs) has a negative effect on homeopathic remedies.
Learn 10 Ways to use cell phones safely.
If you have questions about taking a homeopathic remedy or need help understanding how to use a particular type of container, please, contact Myra. To find out what homeopathy can do for you contact Myra to schedule a 30-Minute Homeopathic Wellness Assessment. Sign up for monthly news & tips.

Myra Nissen, CCH
Copyright © 2015–2025, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog