Most of us who grew up with a dog understand both the responsibility required and the unconditional love a dog can bring into a family. Introducing a new dog into your home requires careful reflection. As we consider our circumstances and determine what we want to add to our children’s lives, we must consider why we might want a dog and what type would be the best for our family. If our children are young and they are not able to participate in the daily walks and feedings, we must consider how much time we have as parents to devote to our extended family member. Are we able to make the necessary commitment of time and expense that caring for a dog over its lifetime involves? Does our lifestyle warrant a certain type of dog or perhaps even a different type of pet? Are we settled and constant or do we live in a crazed, hurried flux? Are allergies a problem for anyone in the house? Are there moves planned in the future of our careers? Is a mature dog, a puppy, a male, or female appropriate? Size and temperament of the new addition are also important considerations. Resources to assist in this decision are listed at the end of this article.
Once you have made the decision that a companion pet is workable, choose the appropriate time to acquire your new dog. For example, however fun it may seem to receive a pet as a holiday gift, there may not be the necessary time and peaceful environment needed for proper orientation of a new addition to the family. Allow for both family and pet adjustment time. Your dog deserves to feel secure and welcome in its new home. It is important for the family to agree upon who is responsible for the tasks required for the care of the animal. Once you have chosen your dog, introducing it to its new living situation can be eased. The dog is going to be just as apprehensive about the new home as the family is going to be excited about a new pet. First, decide on a quiet, private place for your dog to at least initially reside in your home. This is especially important while your dog and your family are getting acquainted. Sometimes an animal will become apprehensive with a lifestyle change. A great tip on introducing a pet into the home is the use of Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy is a Bach Flower product made from the essences of the flowers of Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose, and Clematis and are prepared similarly to Homeopathic remedies. Rescue Remedy has a soothing calming effect on both people and animals. It comes in spray or liquid form. Spray your pet’s bed as opposed to your dog itself. You can also add a few drops to your pet’s water bowl. Another tip to consider is signing up for a puppy or dog training course. These classes give your family great pointers about what to expect and how to handle those inevitable issues that arrive when faced with the challenges a new addition brings. A training class provides a welcome partnering option as well as teaches an older child care –giving tips and responsibilities.
Diet is an issue to consider when we desire the best for our furry one. There are numerous choices. Both of us have fed our pets a home prepared diet for many years. We believe the benefits of a home prepared diet far outweigh the time and energy needed for this commitment. The book, Dr. Pitcairn’s New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Dr. Pitcairn, is an excellent resource on animal diet and nutrition, with many useful pointers on care. Preview book.
The same basic Homeopathic remedies you have for your family can be useful in animal care as well. Arnica 30C for bumps, bruises, and other traumas. Calendula 30C for minor scrapes and cuts. Hypericum 30C for injuries to paws and tails. Ledum 30C for puncture wounds and bites.
There are many benefits a furry addition can bring your family. Young children can discover the wonder of another live being. Older children are given the opportunity to care for another live being. We believe there are health benefits to having a pet in the home. Most of us have noted the calming effect petting an animal has on us. A recent research study conducted at the Medical College of Georgia* indicated that early exposure to two or more dogs or cats might help to reduce the development of common childhood allergies to such things as dust mites, cats and dogs, grass, and ragweed. Allergies are best addressed with homeopathic constitutional care. Constitutional care requires working with a professional homeopath who can address a person’s susceptibility to allergies. Look for our upcoming article about allergies, which will include home treatment tips.
Pets are gifts to us. It is our privilege to feed, walk with, and ponder on their beauty. We get to learn from their ways and marvel at their smarts. We get to laugh at their antics and learn to communicate differently. We get to simply observe another creature. We get to love them. And they offer love in the most unconditional ways, in ways we learn by committing ourselves to their care.
To learn more about choosing the right pet and pet adoption visit Benicia Vallejo Humane Society, Solano County SPCA in Vacaville, or Solano County Friends of Animals. Consult your veterinarian if you have concerns about your animal’s health.
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*Ownby DR, Johnson CC, Peterson LP. “Exposure to Dogs and Cats in the First Year of Life and Risk of Allergic Sensitization at 6 to 7 Years of Age.” Journal of American Medical Association. 2002;288 (Reprinted.)
Written by Myra Nissen, & Margo Adams, published in Community Kids, February 2008, Volume 5, Issue 2.
How To Care For Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathy Remedy Kit for Pets
Is Homeopathy Mysterious & Unscientific?
Myra Nissen, CCH
Copyright © 2008 –, Myra Nissen.
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This article was brought to you by Myra Nissen, CCH, RSHom(NA), Board Certified Classical Homeopath. Myra teaches women how to recognize their body’s unique needs and cues and uses Homeopathy to help empower women to take control of their bodies, health and well-being. Find out more, visit her blog
*Ownby DR, Johnson CC, Peterson LP. “Exposure to Dogs and Cats in the First Year of Life and Risk of Allergic Sensitization at 6 to 7 Years of Age.” Journal of American Medical Association. 2002;288 (Reprinted.)