Over Coming Stress

Embracing Your Libido!

According to Steadman’s Medical Dictionary libido is defined as any passionate interest or form of life force. Carl Jung referred to libido as the free creative, or psychic energy an individual invests towards personal development. We commonly think of it as sexual desire. Libido can be affected by factors both mental and physical. Many feel…


Managing Migraines

While conventional medicine offers various pharmaceutical options for migraines, it only treats the symptoms of migraines instead of the main cause. In this article, we will delve into the world of homeopathy and its potential as a natural approach to managing migraines.  Homeopathy offers a unique approach to migraine management by addressing the root causes…


Managing Binge Eating During the Holidays

Trying to stick to a diet is often difficult for most of us. Trying to stick to a diet during the Holidays is almost impossible. It is best to have a plan ahead of time. Here’s an introduction to managing binge eating during the holidays: 1. Recognize Triggers Holidays often bring emotional stressors such as…


Exercise in the Rain

Solitude. Rain is the best excuse for staying home with a good book or to finally binge watch that Netflix show or maybe try that new recipe.  You might even get a few of those fix it projects done around the house.


Holiday Feasting

Heading out to a holiday party can be stressful if you want to stay on track with health and weight goals.  Before you go, develop a strategy. Here are some tips to follow to help you enjoy the experience. Where there’s a buffet table, go around the whole buffet before filling your plate.  Be picky…